Today,starts a series, where I share 4 page supplements that appeared in Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly and promoted Houdini’s movie serial, The Master Mystery, in the UK.
- FEB 6, 1919
- Jan 23 1919
- Jan 30, 1919
- Feb 13, 1919

Image courtesy of WildAboutHoudini; Credit Mark Mawston Collection
I first learned about the above 4-page “Houdini Herald” supplement via the following WildAboutHarry post:
It appeared on pages 33-36 of the February 6, 1919 Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly

The following appeared on page 76 of the February 6, 1919 Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly:
The Houdini Serial – The New Bio is giving two big Trade shows at the Lonon Pavilion on Feb. 11 and 12 of “The Master Mystery.” featuring the great Houdini. Apart from the merits of the picture, we understand that the firm is negotiating for the serial rights which will be reproduced in one of the leading papers, and also that is contemplating putting out a most novel competition in connection with this serial, which should be of great interest both to the public and to exhibitors. We hear most enthusiastic reports in connection with the drawing powers of this film, and we feel sure exhibitors will be the fits to realise the great attractive powers of Houdini name. We are asked to state by the New Bio that those exhibitors who have not yet written in for reserved tickets for the London Pavilion music hall for February 11 and 12 should do so immediately, owing to the very heavy demand.
The following appeared on page 68 of February 13, 1919 Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly:
The ‘Houdini Herald”
It has been said that half the art of advertising lies in attracting attention. If this is so, then the Houdini Herald, which we published as a supplement last week, is cetainly an outstanding advertiement, for it could not be missed by anyone seeing the paper. The advertisement has been the subject of much comment and discussion, and we congratulate the firms handling the Houdini serial on that fact. It needs the commercial courage to test new methods, but, we think, the people concerned will find ample reward in this case. This Herald serves the double purpose of interesting the exhibitor in both a business and more personal sense, as the articles are interesting reading for anyone, and also form pulling publicity for the exhibitor to use later.