Mirror Keys – “Hidden where no one can find them?”


The above press photo just sold on eBay for $97.50. Congratulations to the winner!

It is an amazing photo of Bess Houdini and the Mirror Cuff originally published on April 13, 1936, the day that Thurston died.

And what Bess said in the publication is just as amazing:


Back of Press Photo with words for publication

“She said the keys to the handcuffs have been hidden where no one can find them.”

What did she mean by this statement?

Notice that “keys” is plural.


0_0_5627_7892Oakland_Tribune_Tue__Apr_14__1936_ (1)


Below is the photo that just sold on eBay for $132.50 that is referenced in the comments below.

s-l1600 (3)

Here is another photo courtesy of WAH to ponder:



Here is another photo (dated November 10, 1936) from WAH to ponder:

bess mirror


14 thoughts on “Mirror Keys – “Hidden where no one can find them?”

    • I saw it when it was first listed and since I was planning on bidding on it and doing this post, I didn’t say anything.

  1. There is a pair of Darby’s snapped to the Mirror Cuffs. She may have meant the keys to both of these cuffs. Not an extra key for the Mirror Cuffs.

    • According to the related newspaper on April 14th, when she and Houdini entered into life-after-death compact he locked a pair of handcuffs and promised to open them from the other side of the grave if humanly – or spiritually – possible. This seems to imply that the handcuffs were locked before Houdini died, the key(s) hidden and the cuffs never opened since.
      I wonder what’s the significance of this other pair of cuffs snapped to the Mirror cuffs?

  2. HH kept the Mirror cuffs in a showcase cabinet at 278 along with other awards. Marie Blood remembered seeing them in there as a child when visiting the house. They were probably already in the locked position inside the cabinet.

    That other pair certainly is a mystery. They may have been lying around and snapped on for the photographer. By 1936, how many handcuffs did Bess have left in her collection besides the Mirror cuffs and the Silver Replica? I’m sure by then she had sold off and given away Harry’s manacle collection.

  3. That is interesting! I didn’t notice it before! They had been snapped onto the Mirror cuffs at least 6 months prior to the Final Séance.

    • Definitely, looks like the same two cuffs. And I love your theory that locking them together signifies an eternal bond. Thanks for sharing, Narinder.

      • The cuffs are separated on the photo that just sold on eBay. Is it possible that cuffs were separated after the final séance?

        • Probably, if they were locked initially as a pact.
          Then after the final séance separated. Would be interesting to see if there was any further information with this photo. Unfortunately I lost out on the final bid (was fast asleep!)

  4. Yes, the symbolic meaning of the Darby cuffs is interesting. Bess seems happy in that Tarbell photo which would imply that the Final séance was behind her.

    • It definitely has me intrigued.

      See UPDATE2 above for a photo of Mrs. Houdini with just the Famous Mirror Handcuffs from the Dallas Journal dated November 10, 1936.

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