Forty Winks by the Star Reporter

Forty winks by the star reporter (Houdini) permit the office jokers to get busy.

Picture Houdini seated at a desk of a very busy newspaper office.  His head is back and he has slid down in his chair. A police reporter sees that he is sound asleep and motions to two other reporters.  They decide to play a joke.  The police reporter carefully slips one end of a pair of handcuffs on Houdini’s wrist which hangs down at the side of the chair – the other he snaps over the rung of the chair.  The three jokers suppress their laughter as they tip toe to watch the results.  Houdini sleeps on and has no idea of his predicament until his boss from his private office yells out his name.

You can guess what happens next.  That’s right, Houdini manipulates the handcuff with a smile on his face – then rises from his chair – casts an amused glance toward the jokers and strolls toward the private office.  The handcuff is left dangling.

[Paraphrased from Paramount Files at Margaret Herrick Library]

This is just one of the exciting escapes from the “The Grim Game”.

4 thoughts on “Forty Winks by the Star Reporter

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