Unity’s capture, The Man From Beyond, trade shown in the U.K. May 10, 1926

Thanks to Chris Goldman, I recently acquired the following advert:

HHCE Collection

It appeared in Kinematograph Weekly, as well as Bioscope on April 29, 1926.

Per Bioscope:

Mr. Bru, the astute head of Unity Film Co., returned from New York on Monday, after having spent over four months looking over the American market for worthwhile features for the coming season. Prominent among the good things Mr. Bru has brought back is Houdini’s latest super feature, “The Man from Beyond,” which is said to be the biggest sensation yet produced. [April 15, 1926]

Houdini’s latest picture, “The Man From Beyond,” which is declared by the American critics to be the greatest thriller of photoplay history, has been secured by the Unity Film Company, and will be trade shown at the London Pavilion on Monday, May 10, at 3 pm… Exhibitors are advised to make early application for trade show tickets for this big feature. [April 29, 1926]



4 thoughts on “Unity’s capture, The Man From Beyond, trade shown in the U.K. May 10, 1926

  1. Joe very cool, happy you ended up with this piece.
    Looks like you’re taking good care of it as well…..
    I picked up a Dante movie poster (from Gabe) should be here today…
    Keep on collecting brother see you? Chris

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