Houdini Sucessfully Monkeys With the Buzz Saw

Image from Kellock book

The above photo is part of a series of extreme publicity photos that Houdini took in Hollywood while making his first feature film, The Grim Game.

HHCE Collection

Today I share from my personal collection, an article titled, “Houdini Sucessfully Monkeys With the Buzz Saw”, that appeared in the Sunday Motion-Play Magazine Rotogravure Section (May 25th 1919)

HHCE Collection


6 thoughts on “Houdini Sucessfully Monkeys With the Buzz Saw

  1. That was an amusing article! Thanks for putting it up! That buzz saw looks to be about a foot away from Harry–and turning. I wouldn’t want to do that!

  2. This is fantastic. In Pictorial Life, Christopher captions this photo: “Cecil B DeMille had suggested this approach to a buzz saw one day in Hollywood.” Now I know where he got that!

  3. Great, Joe—-you solved another mystery.

    RE: “DeMille’s own private railing…Houdini did a handcuff stunt”:

    This would appear to be depicted on page 118 in the Henning-Houdini book.

    ….and to my knowledge, the ONLY known photograph of Houdini handling
    a pair of then modern “swing-through” (Peerless brand) handcuffs…that were
    revolutionary at the time, and were the basis for all modern handcuffs made today.

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