Another ‘Apology in the Name of the Kaiser’ poster variant

Below are B&W and color images of the “Apology in the Name of the Kaiser” poster that we are most familar with:

In 2018, our friend John Cox at Wild About Houdini, did a post on a poster variant:

Variant #1 tipped in a “Unmasking” book and also found on p8 of Houdini on Magic by Walter B. Gibson

Well, I recently came across another variant:

Variant #2 from Museum of the City of New York (MCNY)


Undated placemat (?) from Alexander’s Restaurant & Bar  (HHCE Collection)


4 thoughts on “Another ‘Apology in the Name of the Kaiser’ poster variant

  1. Very nice.
    I’ve seen this image and I’ve always assumed it was a design prototype for what became the second variant. It appears to be done pen and ink and those lines look like guide lines. Only difference is it looks like they improved on Harry for the final.
    There’s yet another variation of this poster in the upper right of this big paneled poster:
    That placemat is fabulous. 🙂

    • Thanks for the link to that other amazing image which like the image I shared, is also credited to the Museum of the City of New York (MCNY). WRT to the placemat, I love it, but have been unable to track down a date or any infomation on an Alexander’s Restaurant & Bar.

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