HHCE Son Gets Married

HHCE is taking the rest of October off to celebrate his Son getting married to a beautiful girl.


Harry Houdini and the beautiful Beatrice in 1899

Until HHCE returns in November, here is a link that tells a story of when Houdini met his bride.

Congratulations to my son and his beautiful bride.

4 thoughts on “HHCE Son Gets Married

  1. Congratulations to your son and his bride! May they stay married as long as the Houdinis were.

    A Bess letter sold at the Profiles in History auction on October 18 for $800.00. She mailed it to a Mr. W. A. Rogers and his wife Betty Allen on December 27, 1926. It was a “thank you” gesture for their condolences. Here is an excerpt:

    We were married thirty-two years, I was with him in all his adventures, but this, his greatest adventure, he went alone. I do thank you, with all my heart, you have indeed lightened my heartache.

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