Weird Tales April 1924 – Ask Houdini (Answers)

This post looks at Houdini’s answers to questions posed in an earlier post.

No. 1

Years ago there traveled around the country a man named Samri S. Balwin, known as the “White Mahatma,” Could you tell me if he is still living, and if so, where a letter could reach him. Were there any other White Mahatmas that did the same kind of work?

There were a number of While Mahatmas, all imitating Samri S. Baldwin, who is still alive and now resides in San Francisco, California. A letter addressed to the Golden Gate Assembly of the Society of American Magicians, care of the Tiffin Studio will reach him.

No. 2

Many explanations have been offered of this practice [used by dowsers to find water] and I am anxious to hear your opinion regarding same.

This is not new; in fact, it is centuries old, and you will find any number of books in your library regarding same.

The fact remains that these “dowsers” or water diviners were not always accurate, and in view of this infallibility, it is unwise to believe that they were capable of locating water or metals.

The Psychical Research Society have gone thoroughly into this class of humans, and I would advise you to look up their literature on this subject.

No. 3

During one of the sittings or seances, the medium sat directly in front of me, held both of my hands in her right hand, and placed he other hand on my shoulder. Then I could see by glancing upward, then a guitar and then a mandolin. This instrument, would float over the heads of the sitters, and I have never been able to discern how this was accomplished. Can you explain?

There are several ways of the medium getting one hand free when you are supposed to hold both. It is one of the best known ruses used by fraud mediums.

In order to guard yourself in the future, when you go into a seance room, insist on holding the medium’s hand in your own. You do the holding, and do not allow the medium to hold you. See that there is no confederate to produce the manifestations, which is frequently done.

No. 4

You are answering all questions on spiritualism. Do you consider yourself a human encyclopedia on the subject? I know you will not dare to answer this.

How do you explain Jacoby, who in his autobiography said he saw a number of musicians in his room and they played until early morning?  Jacoby was a brilliant man and gifted scholar.

How can you, at the present time, explain how this happened?

I do not think you would care answer this question, but am sending it to relieve my mind.

No, I do not consider myself a human encyclopedia, but I have been delving in mystery ever since I could walk and talk, and if there is anything in the line of mystery I do not know, I certainly am going to try and find out.

Any time you see me billed anywhere, drop around and have a chat.

I am not prejudiced, as I keep telling people. I am perfectly willing to believe, but I have not been convinced or converfted as yet.

Jacoby did write that he saw and heard musicians in his room. He called his servants, if you remember the incident, but they were unable to see them.

After I am suspended from the top of a building by my ankles and make my escape from the restraint and come down to earth, the whole population and the houses whirl about me, but that does not signify it is true.

Theefore, I claim that he might have thought he had seen the musicians and heard them, but that does not necessary make it true, although in his own mind, it was true.

You go to any insane asylum where you are permitted to go by the authorities, and you will find a lot of poor mortals who hear voices and see forms. I think that Jacoby simply hads hallucinations at the time this happened, and that is all there is to it.

No. 5

Why do mediums employ various paraphernalia in conducting their seances. For instance, why is it necessary for the departed one to speak through the medium with the aid of a trumpet or horn? If there is such a thing as communication with the dead, can you advance a logical explanation of why a trumpet or horn should be used?

The aid of trumpets, tambourines and musical instruments used in seances, to the best of my knowledge and belief is simply to give auricular proof that the spirits are present, and in speaking through a trumpet, it is the simplest thing in the world to muffle your voice and make it difficult to recognize.

No. 6

The question I asked on the slip of paper, “H*—, have you any relief from your suffering?” My handwriting was purposedly bad and I wrote the proper noun in such a manner that it would be hard to distinguish whether the word was Harry or Henry. I did this to discover if the medium actually read the questions or not. I am convinced that she did but how? Perhaps you can offer an explanation.

The method used by this medium is very simple and is not new. It has been greatly improved upon recently. If I am not mistaken it was first used in the early 70’s. When you tied the handkerchief with the gloves over her eyes, she simply frowned as much as possible. Then by raising the eyebrows she was enabled to see enough to suit her purpose.

You understand I am not exposing a legitimate performer’s efforts. When a medium resorts to trickery, I feel that the deception should be explained to prevent their playing upon the gullibitiy of this public as much as possible.


2 thoughts on “Weird Tales April 1924 – Ask Houdini (Answers)

  1. That was wonderful! Thanks for posting it! Reading this with my Sunday morning coffee it doesn’t get better. The answers were fantastic! It’s nice when HH turned off the bombast and switches gears to just conversation mode. Much of the HH newspaper material is HH hyperbole, which makes this article a refreshing take on him.

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