Weird Tales April 1924 – Ask Houdini (Questions)


Ingrained in me is a love of mystery and marvel. As a child, Red Riding Hood, Ali Baba, and the Arabian Nights found as much favor with me as the stories from the Bible. All were read to me by my mother. Stories of the weird and wonderful exercise a surpassing charm over my imagination. I feel there are many thousands like me and from these I will be delighted to hear. Who knows but that this department may be the means of bringing to light another Poe or another Hawthorne? Only by writing can you learn to write. By throwing off restraint, the greatest pieces of literature have been produced. This department is yours as much as mine.  HOUDINI

No. 1

Years ago there traveled around the country a man named Samri S. Balwin, known as the “White Mahatma,” Could you tell me if he is still living, and if so, where a letter could reach him. Were there any other White Mahatmas that did the same kind of work?

No. 2

Many explanations have been offered of this practice [used by dowsers to find water] and I am anxious to hear your opinion regarding same.

No. 3

During one of the sittings or seances, the medium sat directly in front of me, held both of my hands in her right hand, and placed he other hand on my shoulder. Then I could see by glancing upward, then a guitar and then a mandolin. This instrument, would float over the heads of the sitters, and I have never been able to discern how this was accomplished. Can you explain?

No. 4

You are answering all questions on spiritualism. Do you consider yourself a human encyclopedia on the subject? I know you will not dare to answer this.

How do you explain Jacoby, who in his autobiography said he saw a number of musicians in his room and they played until early morning?  Jacoby was a brilliant man and gifted scholar.

How can you, at the present time, explain how this happened?

I do not think you would care answer this question, but am sending it to relieve my mind.

No. 5

Why do mediums employ various paraphernalia in conducting their seances. For instance, why is it necessary for the departed one to speak through the medium with the aid of a trumpet or horn? If there is such a thing as communication with the dead, can you advance a logical explanation of why a trumpet or horn should be used?

No. 6

The question I asked on the slip of paper, “H*—, have you any relief from your suffering?” My handwriting was purposedly bad and I wrote the proper noun in such a manner that it would be hard to distinguish whether the word was Harry or Henry. I did this to discover if the medium actually read the questions or not. I am convinced that she did but how? Perhaps you can offer an explanation.

A future post will look at Houdini’s answers to these questions.

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