Chain Defies Houdini

Last week, we looked at a couple famous photos published of Houdini surrounded by Girls.  As promised, this week, I am sharing one that has rarely been seen.

HH Human ChainHoudini, whose stage specialty is breaking out of things, with equally conspicuous success, broke into the movies, and had no way to break out. He can wriggle free of handcuffs, steamer trunks and packing cases, but here is a chain that defies him. Seemingly he is suffering no pangs of humiliation.

Anyone care to take a guess when this photo was taken?

11 thoughts on “Chain Defies Houdini

  1. In the back of our minds we remember a wedding or dance type scene in “The Man From Beyond”. Could it have been from there?

    Dick Brookz & Dorothy Dietrich
    The Houdini Museum
    The Only Building in the World Dedicated to Houdini
    The Original Houdini Museum in NYC

    • That is a great guess, but it was earlier. I just posted an image of that scene from The Man From Beyond so you can compare the two.

  2. John Cox hit the nail on the head. That is definitely Hollywood Harry around the time when he was making The Grim Game. This photo was published in August 1919.

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