Two Grim Game Posters found in Paramount 1921-22 French Campaign Book

The campaign book [in my personal collection] was sent to theater owners to encourage them to show Paramount movies. The book includes two utra-rare Harry Houdini Grim Game posters:

There is a 3 sheet version of the Aeroplane poster and 6 sheet variation of the jail poster, that appears in the Grim Game Press book:

And also many variant 8×10 stills of the jail poster image:

But, none of the stills exactly match the French Grim Game jail poster. The last still does match the Grim Game poster in the press book. One wonders if the artist took some liberties on the French Grim Game Poster.


2 thoughts on “Two Grim Game Posters found in Paramount 1921-22 French Campaign Book

  1. Great posters. Title translation: “A Tragic Report”. That jail cell poster would make a nice match to the French Terror Island poster in DC’s collection.

  2. Look how fit he was in 1919. He looks great in the jail cell photos. He let himself go by the time he filmed Man From Beyond.

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